Layer-3 Switch as DHCP Server for LAN!

                                               Figure 1: L3-Switch as DHCP for LAN

In this article we will configure layer-3 switch for LAN and then after we will proceed to configure Layer-3 as a DHCP server for different VLANS with different network range.

                                               Figure 2: Commands for Configuring L3-Switch as DHCP

                                               Figure 3: IP Address after DHCP DORA Process for PC1

                                              Figure 4: IP Address after DHCP DORA Process for PC3

As output show that our DHCP is working for PC’s, and they have been getting there IP Addresses after DORA Process.

DORA Process is, D(Discover), O(Offer), R(Request), A(Acknowledge) which is conversation model between DHCP client and server for IP assignment.


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